Human Connection

By nature, human beings thrive on connection. In fact, it is the most essential thing we need in order to not just thrive but actually survive.

Every article I've read on how to best take care of ourselves during this pandemic mentions that connecting with others is critical for our general wellbeing right now. We are not meant to be isolated creatures and when we connect with a loved one or even have a brief encounter with a complete stranger, we lower the cortisol/stress hormones in our body. My father said after quarantining by himself for a few months, “If Covid doesn't kill me then loneliness will”. And the ironic thing is, having my father move in with me not only saved him, but it actually saved me.

So as we move through each day, I invite you to find ways to connect with others. Whether it's a walk with a friend, a hug with a loved one or just smiling and saying 'hi' to other people on the street. Not just for their sake but also for your own.


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.