Be Good With YOU Right Here and Right Now

Everyone I know, including myself, is itching to get out of their homes and their hometowns and go somewhere. But the truth is, wherever you go, there you are. And no matter where you go, you can't escape YOU and all the complexities of being you and your life.

Jon Kabat-Zinn, the author of the classic mindfulness book Wherever You Go There You Are writes,

"To allow ourselves to be truly in touch with where we already are, no matter where that is, we have got to pause in our experience long enough to let the present moment sink in; long enough to actually feel the present moment, to see it in its fullness, to hold it in awareness and thereby come to know and understand it better. Instead, it often seems as if we are preoccupied with the past, with what has already happened, or with a future that hasn't arrived yet. We look for someplace else to stand, where we hope things will be better, happier, more the way we want them to be, or the way they used to be.

So this is a perfect time practicing being good with YOU right here and right now, so when you can get up and go again you are good with YOU wherever you go. There's no escaping ourselves no matter how hard we try, but if we practice being present we can unlock the fullness of our lives no matter what the circumstances. We can feel a deep sense of gratitude for each moment no matter how big or small. And we can appreciate our surroundings, wherever we may be.


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.