Mother Nature

Being a mom has been one of the most important jobs I have ever held, but figuring out how to do it has taken me a lifetime of trial and many errors in order to do it remotely well. One of my favorite parenting sayings is 'There is no way to be a perfect parent, but there are a thousand ways to be a good one'.

My yoga practice has been my greatest tool as I've felt my way through the parenting dark. And understanding that I can't do it perfectly has allowed me to let go, be more patient and trust my instincts. I remember my eldest having a two year old temper tantrum in the middle of Target and pulling a jar of tomato sauce off the shelf at the grocery store and it splattering everywhere. At that moment, I didn't scream and I didn't react, I paused and took some deep breaths then I calmly handled the situation. In that moment, I realized the value of my yoga practice and why I showed up on the mat over and over again.

My mom passed away long before I had my kids, so I haven't been able to call her for parenting advice and I haven't had a mom to mother me either. And the thing is, we all need and deserve that maternal care but for various reasons we don't always get it. So learning to nurture ourselves can be the greatest form of self care and one we can also cultivate through our yoga practice. You will often hear me suggest in my classes to move in a nurturing way'. I believe when we learn to take care of ourselves on the mat, we will do it more easily in our personal lives.


Amy Owen
Yoga Instructor + Birth Coach


Feel good from the inside out.